Best verkochte RSD Singles 2017


  1. Normaal / Bokkers – Wat mot ik doen / Baat het niet
  2. David Bowie – No Plan EP
  3. U2 – Red Hill Mining Town Remix
  4. The Beatles – Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane
  5. War on Drugs – Thinking of a Place
  6. Pearl Jam – State of Love and Trust
  7. Pink Floyd – Interstellar Overdrive
  8. Herman Brood & His Wild Romance – Rock ‘N’ Roll Junkie
  9. Broederliefde – Jungle / Mi No Lob
  10. Placebo / Bowie – Without You I’m Nothing
  11. Red Hot Chili Peppers – Go Robot
  12. Frank Zappa – Rollo / Portland
  13. Alice in Chains – What The Hell Have I
  14. AQUA – Barbie Girl
  15. Bastille – Comfort of Strangers
  16. Prince – Batdance
  17. Stevie Nicks – Rarities 1981 – 1983
  18. Smiths – Boy With The Thorn In His Side
  19. Toto – Africa
  20. New Cool Collective Big Band feat. Thierno Koité – Yassa/Myster Tier




Pink Floyd Interstellar OverdrivePlacebo






GoRobot_LiveFrank zappa







stevie nicks raritiesThe Smiths - The Boy With The Thorn In His SideNew Cool Collective



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